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The Top 5 Benefits of Permissions

14 Jun 2017

Today, I wanted to share 5 of the top benefits permissions have, in particular, Questionmark OnDemand permissions.

1. Keep your authoring content organized

You can use permissions to define where authors are allowed to create content, such as items (questions) and assessments. That enables you to set up a structure for topic folders and assessment folders, and make sure that authors won’t go outside the folders you gave them access to. That in turn helps you to keep your content organized, which benefits your assessment program’s efficiency.

2. Improve your authors’ user experience

Let’s say that all you want your authors to create are multiple choice questions. You can use a permission to that effect. As a consequence, authors will not be able to see other question types, which makes it less confusing to them. Think: I can only see what I can use. That improves their user experience.

3. Improve your reporters’ user experience

Similarly, for several reports, you can define which reports your reporters can run. By doing that, you guide your reporters to the appropriate reports and avoid confusing them with reports they should not be running.

4. Reduce error and fraud

By using permissions judiciously, you can separate duties in your organization. For example, there are permissions to create users, permissions to create assessments and permissions to schedule assessments. You can use those permissions to define that a user who can create other users cannot create assessments and vice versa. Likewise, the user who can schedule assessments cannot create users. That way, you ensure that each user is responsible for a specific part of the process. When the focus is defined, error is reduced. And if multiple users manage the process together, no-one has full power over everything, which makes fraud less likely.

5. Free up time

Finally, you can use permissions to delegate some of your role responsibilities to others. If you are the main admin user of your Questionmark OnDemand environment, you may want to give a colleague the permission to assign the reporter role to users, so that you do not have to do it repeatedly. However, you may not want to give your colleague the permission to edit the exact permissions that reporters have. By delegating the role assignment to your colleague, you remain in control over what a role can do and you get help with managing who can report. That frees up your time.
These are my top 5 reasons. If you can think of other benefits, contribute to this list by leaving a comment below, we’d love to see what benefits you’re experiencing.

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