Welcome to Questionmark’s new podcast series, “Unlocking the Potential of Assessments.” This monthly series delves into creating, delivering and reporting on valid and reliable assessments.
“Unlocking the Potential of Assessments” will offer advice and thought leadership to those just starting out with assessments, those who have been in the industry at length and anyone with a keen interest in the future of assessments lead by host, John Kleeman – Questionmark’s Founder and Executive Director.
In our first episode, John spoke with assessment luminary, Jim Parry, Owner and Chief Executive Manager of Compass Consultants. Jim has over 40 years experience as a course designer, developer and instructor. He served over 22 years with the United States Coast Guard and was employed for nearly 12 years by the US Coast Guard as a civilian employee as the Test Development and e-testing Manager at a major training command.
During his tenure, Jim guided the move from paper to online testing for the entire Coast Guard and developed the first ever Standard Operating Procedure, a document of over 300 pages, which established policy and guidelines for all testing within the Coast Guard. He is a consulting partner with Questionmark and has presented numerous best practice webinars.
Subscribe to the podcast series today and join Questionmark on our quest to discover and examine the latest in best practice guidance with a wide array of guests – including assessment luminaries, industry influencers, SMEs and customers – and discuss “all things assessment.”
Don’t miss out. For our next episode, John will be speaking with our very own Steve Lay, Questionmark’s product manager and an expert on scalable, computerized assessment and integration between systems. Subscribe today so you don’t miss it.
You can subscribe to the series by visiting our podcast page and selecting your preferred player.
Please reach out to me with any suggestions of further topics you’d like explored or assessment luminaries you want to hear from.