Questionmark has made it easier than ever for subject matter experts to write test questions. But since we’ve always thought that providing good learning resources is just as important as creating great testing and assessment software, we’ve put together this 11-question quiz to help anyone — SMEs included — brush up on their item writing skills and review best practices.
The quiz is based on research literature including Criterion-referenced Test Development by Sharon Shrock and Bill Coscarelli and Validating Multiple-Choice Tests Items by Thomas M. Haladyna. So the guidelines it offers relate to criterion-referenced rather than norm-referenced score interpretations. Different domains might require different approaches. We regard resources like this quiz as a way of contributing to the ongoing process of learning about assessment. In that spirit, we welcome your suggestions and would be happy to modify our current learning resources and/or create new ones to address the needs of other domains.
Now on to the quiz! Be sure to look for your feedback after you have completed it!
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