Showing results for "fraud"
Safety in Numbers: Test Fraud in the Oil and Gas Industry
Is test fraud responsible for some of the health and safety challenges in the oil and gas industry? This report lifts the lid to find out.
A Comprehensive Test Fraud Checklist for Businesses Download
A Comprehensive Test Fraud Checklist for Businesses
The test fraud checklist can help reduce cheating in tests and exams by employees—and the resultant integrity and compliance issues.
5 Reasons Why Test Fraud is More Serious Than Just Flunking
The theory that you’re only cheating yourself when committing test fraud may not hold any weight in reality.
The Psychology of Test Fraud
When people cheat at tests and exams, their mindset is often similar to those that commit other types of fraud.
Investigating Test Fraud and Creating Reliable Assessments
Test fraud can undermine the integrity of an institution, the decision-making process of a business and even the safety of the public.
New standards for best-practice proctoring
Discover the brand new online proctoring standards that are set to shape the remote assessment landscape.
L&D in 2025: from traditional to transformative
The world of Learning and Development (L&D) is built on change, so how do you stay ahead in 2025?
AI & Assessments: When the stakes are high
When the stakes are high, how do you ensure staff are competent and skilled? And what does AI mean for the stakes of assessments?
The role and value of scenario-based assessments
From case-based healthcare exams to IT certifications, Advanced Assessments helps you deliver scenario-based assessments with ease.