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Steve Lay

Steve is an expert on scalable, computerized assessment and integration between systems, and has ensured that the millions of assessments delivered by Questionmark are robust and scalable.

Before joining Questionmark, Steve worked at the University of Cambridge’s Centre for Applied Research into Educational Technologies (CARET) in England. Prior to that he was part of a new technologies team at Cambridge Assessment, known in the United Kingdom as the OCR exam board and outside the UK as the University of Cambridge International Examinations board, or Cambridge ESOL, a leading provider of tests of English for speakers of other languages.

Early in his career, Steve worked in the University of Cambridge Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics on projects ranging from the development of a Digital Desk to the production of multimedia course materials and other teaching support software.

Steve was chair of the Question and Test Interoperability specification project team (QTI) from 2003-2008. He is also active in the IMS and other e-learning standards groups.