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Demonstrate value with reports

If you're looking to pick out poor-performing test questions, identify knowledge gaps, or demonstrate return on investment for your learning program, we have a report for you.
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Reporting on individuals in the assessment platform

Improve performance with participant-focused reports

Feedback is essential for improving performance, and with our participant-focused reports it’s easier than ever to give constructive, data-driven feedback.

Our participant reports provide detailed results for a person taking an assessment, and can be used for coaching them for the future and providing feedback on their performance.

Reporting in the assessment platform

Analyze the effectiveness of your items

With our range of item analysis reports you can determine the difficulty level and effectiveness of your assessment questions.

Used by test analysts and calculated according to classical test theory, these reports are ideal for ensuring you’re delivering tests at the difficulty level that’s suitable.

Reporting on individuals in the assessment platform

Improve the quality of your assessment program

Our assessment-focused reports allow you to view analysis of scores and outcomes from an assessment and see statistics on the results.

You can zoom in to the detail of individual question performance, or zoom out to look at all questions in an assessment, or all questions in a topic – meaning all aspects of your program can be improved.

Analyze results

See the big picture

Overview reporting offers a top-level view of the results for one or more assessments. This summary helps flag potential problems and provides direction for drilling down into a more detailed analysis.

Report on your assessment program

Analyze results over time

See how your questions are performing over a period of weeks or months, and spot any issues with particular questions or sub-groups. 

Case study


eX:plain is a foundation that is the Dutch leader in the area of vocational assessment and certification testing for both the industry and education.
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Tuesday Training with the Techs: Building Report Rapport – Customizing Reports

Join our expert trainers as they dive into report customization and give a brief overview of Questionmark’s newest reporting framework.

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